
Showing posts from 2010

Creating a database link to access objects on a remote database

1. service name in tnsname 2. create a database link on the local database 3.connect using this database link to remote database Service Name To create a database link that points to a remote database you should have proper service name entry in local computer's tnsnames.ora file Adding service name details in the tnsnames file to access remote database (if this is already existing ignore it) ex: tns entry to connect to a remote database running on testserver using service name 'test' test = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = testserver)(PORT = 1522)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = test) ) ) create database link on the local database (the database from which you are trying to access another database) Syntax: create database link link_name connect to user_name identified by password using service_name link_name = this is the name for the database link username = us...

XXX is not a valid responsibility for the current user. Please contact your System Administrator" – oracle apps 11i

This issue happens when you end date a responsibility and give a new responsibility to a user. Once user tries to log in “XXX is not a valid responsibility for the current user. Please contact your System Administrator”. This is because of cache at server, oracle does this to speed up the process. Clearing this cache will make the user to log in with new responsibility. Clearing the cache Steps go to > Functional Administrator responsibility Click on Core services tab (the tab at the top right) Click on Caching Framework Tab (blue tab under main tab) Click on Global configuration Click on Clear All Cache A warning message related to performance will come , say yes Screen shots After selecting functional administrator responsibility 2 3 4 5 6

ORA-01653 : unable to extend table

in oracle apps 11i receivables When entering receipt and saving oracle gave this error ORA-01653 : unable to extend table AR.AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ALL BY 1024 in tablespace ARD check for extend management is automatic or manual dba_data_files select autoextensible from dba_data_files where tablespace_name='ARD' it will show yes or no The table was created with size 400M and extend allocation was not automatic so i manually extended 100MB. ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/u01/proddata/prod/ard1.dbf' AUTOEXTEND ON MAXSIZE 500M; ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/u01/proddata/prod/ard1.dbf' AUTOEXTEND off; SELECT DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL('TABLESPACE','ARD') FROM DUAL; As this is user managed extend management actually what should have done was either resize or add new datafile. here is how ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '/u01/proddata/prod/ard1.dbf' RESIZE 500M; ALTER DATABASE ADD DATAFILE '/u01/proddata/prod/ard2.dbf'...

Adding a service to start at booting on fedora

chkconfig --list lists all the services starting at booting with different levels to add a service to start at booting chkconfig --add [service_name] ex: chkconfig -add sshd to add different levels(0,1,2,3,4,5,6) chkconfig --level [levels] [service_name] [service_option>] level: the runlevel where this service has to start (if there are more than one level enter different level without any seperator) service options : on|off|reset|resetpriorities ex: chkconfig --level 2 sshd on chkconfig --level 235 sshd on so to add sshd to start up at booting in 235 levels chkconfig --add sshd chkconfig --level 235 sshd on

Oracle 11i E-Business suite installation set up for Linux

Tested on Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 kernel 2.6.9-5.EL Oracle Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (october update 6) kernel 2.6.9- Required Packages ompat-db-4.1.25-9 compat-gcc-32-3.2.3-47.3 compat-gcc-32-c++-3.2.3-47.3 compat-oracle-rhel4-1.0-5 (from oracle patch 4198954) compat-libcwait-2.0-2 (from oracle patch 4198954) compat-libgcc-296-2.96-132.7.2 compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-132.7.2 compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-47.3 xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-devel-6.8.1-23.EL xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-6.8.1-23.EL The following required component must be installed manually: openmotif21-2.1.30-x Domain Name Resolver Parameters add these parameters in the /etc/resolv.con file options attempts:5 options timeout:15 Verify that the /etc/hosts file is formatted as follows localhost.localdomain ip_addrss node_name.domain_name let these loopback entry be there if you want to add a new for your server do it as follows etc: ...

Adding a new supplier type – oracle apps 11i

supplier type is coming from a value set that's defined in oracle purchasing look up codes so before you can use any particular supplier type it has to be defined in the values set. To add a new type follow the steps below Purchasing > Set Up > Purchasing > Look up codes search for VENDOR TYPE Add whatever new type you want to add

Configuring ssh on Linux

Tested on fedora 13 First check ssh service is running to check the status of ssh service sshd status or /etc/init.d/ssh status if it is stopped you can not use ssh to start this service issue the follwoing command service sshd start or /etc/init.d/sshd start if you are starting it for the first time you will see these messages on the screen else you will see the last one only, if it starts Generating SSH2 RSA host key: [ OK ] Generating SSH1 RSA host key: [ OK ] Generating SSH2 DSA host key: [ OK ] Starting sshd: [ OK ] now you can use ssh to connect to another host use ssh username@hostname

Fixing approval history updation error using retry errored workflow items

Requisitions approval history was not updated properly after concerned person has approved requisitions. If you go and check action history the action history was missing latest approval. When investigated found out that workflow finished with an error in “ UPDATE_ACTION_HISTORY_APPROVE ” To find out the errored items in a workflow follow the steps below Log on to Oracle Application Manager select Workflow Manager from navigate to list box(situated top right corner) and Click go go work items under workflow metrics and click on show button to see the graph click on error block on the graph this will take to you to a a page with different work item types click the relevant work items this will take you to a page with different work item activity stage click the relevant work activity stage this will take to a new page with all the activities select the activity you are concerned with click launch workflow monitor this will open a new page with check the item status it wil...

Accessing windows 7 files from xp (sharing files from windows 7 to xp)

On windows 7 make sure computers are on the same group Go to network and sharing centre Click on Change advanced sharing settings (its on the left pane) Under File and Printer Sharing Turn on File and Printer Sharing Under password protected sharing (for security) Turn on Password protected sharing if you select the other option, people can access without giving a user name and password, otherwise you have to provide user name and password)

Apex 3.2 Installation

Install http server (it’s can be found on 10g companion cd) Dwnload and unzip E:\oracle\apps\apex Change your working directory to apex . E:> cd \oracle\apps\apex Create a table space called apex for oracle apex Checking the shared_pool_size of the Target Database SHOW PARAMETER PFILE; SHOW PARAMETER SHARED_POOL_SIZE ALTER SYSTEM SET SHARED_POOL_SIZE='100M' SCOPE=spfile; SHUTDOWN STARTUP Oracle XML DB Requirement, Oracle Text Requirement Oracle XML DB must be installed in the Oracle database that you want to use. If you are using a preconfigured database created either during an installation or by Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA), Oracle XML DB is already installed and Configured. Select comp_name “component” from dba_registry; PL/SQL Web Toolkit Oracle Application Express requires the PL/SQL Web Toolkit version or later. Checking for PL/SQL Web Toolkit Select owa_util.get_...

Using Oracle Profile

First of all alter the system or edit the parameter file for this entry Alter system set resource_limit = true After that create a profile with the required options Assign these profiles to the users whoever you want to restrict Create profile test_profile Limit session_per_user 2 idle_time 2 ; Assign this profile to users Alter user scott Profile test_profile;

oracle 10g on OEL and RHL

Swap space configuration Between 513 MB and 2048 MB 1.5 times the size of RAM Between 2049 MB and 8192 MB Equal to the size of RAM check swap space # grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo check free memory free Disk Space Requirements Between 150 and 200 MB of disk space the /tmp directory df -k /tmp (this will give in kb if you want in larger size give -h) Maximum space requirement for enterprise installation 1.5 GB Checking the Software Requirements Operating system Requirements Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0 Determining distribution and version of Linux # cat /etc/issue For installation purpose edit the following file to make the release as 4 Even though oracle 10g is certified on 5 oracle is recommending changing this to 4 to pass the os checking (oracle release notes for 10g on linux) On Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, the installation passes the operating system prerequisite checks if you change each 5 to 4 in the /etc/redhat-release file. Ensur...

Type english get Malayalam

Lost Updates

Lost updates happen in multi user environment quite normally if the application is not well built. It happens when you have multiple users and some of them are trying to update same data around same time. User’s action from query to update: - Data is retrieved to user's memory, make the necessary changes and puts the data back to the database. Data is read from the database to the users’ machine around the same time, session one makes required changes and saves, by this time the other session also does some changes and saves. If there is no checking the second session will overwrite the first session's changes. Let’s take an application to explain This is an application which will be used by users for booking for programmes. The current situation is that only one seat is available but two users are querying the system for booking at the same time. User_1 queries the system and gets the status of booking “open” only for one person User_2 queries the system and ge...