
Showing posts from April, 2011

Configuring NFS

File sharing between to linux boxes with NFS start nfs service on the server machine and client machine Server : Client: service nfs start edit /etc/exports file and add the location you want to share this is the entry to be added to exports file to share a folder called test in home directory. (rw) will allow both read and write folder_name_with_path host_name(options) host_name is the name of the host(client IP or client hostname) from where you are going to mount this share ex: if you want to share a folder called test in home folder to a client with ip address do as below.. edit export file to add this entry (this is entered host server whose folder is actually shared) on Server( /home/test go to cleint machine and start nfs service then mount the nfs sharing mount -t nfs -o rw nfs_server_name://folder_name_with_path mount_point on Client( mount -t nfs -o rw 192...

Io Error: Got minus one from a read call

When trying to connect using oracle sqldeveloper this error messages is thrown. I came across this error two times, on each occasion different cause. 1)  Make sure you are connecting to the correct port, wrong port also gives the error above. 2) This is happening becuase oracle is using ACL (access control list) where only authorised clients are given access. check sqlnet.ora file ($ORACLE_HOME/network/admin) tcp.validnode_checking = yes tcp.invited_nodes=( we can either disable this checking tcp.validnode_checking = no or add the node in the acl. tcp.invited_nodes=(, bounce the listener and try connecting again if oracle apps is using use addlnctl script to bounce it.

Receipt account is created with wrong cash account – updating receipt class bank account cash field

Bank account for receiving was created with wrong cash account. To resolve this issue there is no way to update cash account of bank account field in receipt class Receivables > Setup > Receipt Classes > Bank Accounts oracle suggested solution to use this account again in receipt is to create a new calss with proper accounts. oracle doc ID = 1234022.1 End date the bank account in receivables classes (the account which is entered with wrong cash account). create a new class Add the bank accoun in the newly created class take care for the effective dates of both classes and accounts. For account classes the effective date from can not be updated, it has to be deleted and recreated. The account can only be deleted if there is no related transactions

excell,word and other programmes are not displaying charecters properly (Change the system locale )

Change the system locale charecters for languages like arabic wont open properly. A csv file with arabic name list is opened in excel but excel is showing as junk charecters. change the charecter set to your locale  control paner > Regional and Language options > Administrative >change system locale Select the system locale you want and click ok The system will restart with newly selected language