Restoring Database to a new location using rman
Scenario All database files got lost (controlfiles,redo,datafiles), server parameter files is also lost (spfile). The database has to be restored meeting the following conditions After restoring all database files(controlfiles, redolog, datafiles) should have new location Spfile will be residing at same location. Environment Oracle database OEL 5.7 Before Disaster Database files (datafiles,controlfiles,redo) /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl spfil $ORACLE_HOME/dbs archive log location /u01/oracle/arch backup controlfile location -/u01/app/oracle/ controlfile autobackup is turned on After recovery spfile same location ($ORACLE_HOME/dbs) databasfiles and controlfiles /u01/oracle/oradata/orcl archive log location /u01/oracle/arch There is a controlfile autobackup and database backup taken sometime before disaster. Restoring and recovering Create new directory structures cd /u01/oracle ...