
Showing posts from 2019

Oracle E-Business Suite Virtual Appliance 2.2.7 Configuring on Windows host

oracle e-business suite 12.2 virtual appliance on Windows host after downloading required zip files  we need to run script to prepare the final virtual box image (ova) on Linux environment its easy to follow the read me and run script. Unfortunately this time i was windows for testing. To our rescue we have cygwin on windows !!! Install cygwin and make sure you are installing unzip as well with cygwin run if its complaining about checksum jst check newly generated checksum file and oracle provided checksum file. md5sum did not match In my case i found that 666ec13b1bcd9c4517ab2b9ce2dfae1b * a * was prefixed to the file name which was actually causing the error , i manually verified all checksum values from md5sumwhenshipped.txt to sitemd5sum.txt  and found all values were same but a "*" was added to sitemd5sum.txt file I replaced the * with space and saved the file commented the part in ...