Fatal error in fdasql - AuditTrail Update Tables program error on R12
While running AuditTrail Update Tables concurrent request on e-business suite R12(12.1.3) as part of audittrail enable process the request completed with Fatal error in fdasql, quitting.... Fatal error in fdacv, quitting.... Fatal error in fdaupc, quitting error.
To fix the issue Check if you have enabled
auditing for APPLSYS,APPS and the application schema owner you want to
audit, if not enable the auditing for the schema you wish to audit.
And also check the logfile to
see if its failing at View AP_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL_AC1, If so change the group status
for the Audit Group AP_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL to disable – purge table
Now submit the AuditTrail
Update Tables program again
Thanks a lot for this post. Faced the same issue and solved it!