Loadbalancing Weblogic Managed servers using Loadmaster-KEMP
Loadbalancing Weblogic Managed servers using Loadmaster-KEMP
One of the problems I encountered while testing weblogic cluster was not the weblogic cluster setup but getting a LB to test it. This was super easy with free LB from https://freeloadbalancer.com/
Weblogic Cluster is configured on the same server with two managed servers running on different ports. Application can be accessed with individual ports but to balance the load and access the application with single URL we need LB. Below we will see how it can be done
Oracle apex(ORDS) has been deployed on these two managed servers
Once Weblogic manged server is configured properly and application deployment is done. We can do the necessary setup at LB
Set up load balancing with Kemp
It's super easy to setup KEMP load-balancer with a virtualbox appliance. Just download the vm image for virtualbox from https://kemptechnologies.com/free-vlm-download and follow the installation guide that comes with the download
Create a Virtual IP address to access the weblogic deployed application, in this case oracle Apex
User will access the page with and LB will direct traffic either to or
Add real servers
Make sure “TCP Connection Only”
Server Ip or host name can be give, if host name is given make sure it can be resolved
add mange server listening on port 7010
Both managed servers are running on same machine with diff ports
add managed server listening on port 7020
Both managed servers are down now
Start the Weblogic managed servers
Now the real servers status changed to “UP”
Let's access the application using virtual IP configured on KEMP Loadmaster
Test accessing the page with different scenarios like Acess the application when only managed server 1 is up, only when the managed er 2 is up, etc
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