Configuring SQL deveoper to connect to database using kerberose


Sqldeveloper: 23.1


Tools > Preferences > Database > Advanced


Config File(krb5.conf)= Give full path to krb5.conf file

Credential Cache file = cache file location

Click on Configure Button and make sure oracle 21c client home is selected. I spent sometime testing with 19c home it never worked



make sure that sqlnet.ora parameter is properly configured and correct path is used in the sqldeveloper as well. If default is used update sqldeveloper with that path. Sqldeveloper does not work with kerberose ticket from memory



Edit: sqldeveloper 23.1 with database client 21c, it works without giving krb5 cache file location. 21c client is able to take tickets from MSLSA (Memory)

Before connecting to database using kerberos authentication make sure that kerebeos ticket is already available.

new kerberos ticket can be generated with

okinit <domain_username>

oklist can be used to check current ticket and expiry 




setup a new connection on sqldeveloper

Authentication type: kerberos

in the advanced tab tick the checkbox: Use OCI



Lets query and see user and authentication info

 Select user"DB_SCHEMA",
sys_context('userenv','authentication_method') "Athentication Method",
sys_context('userenv','authenticated_identity') "Domain User"
from dual




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